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The Unexpected Benefits of DEI: A Win-Win for Everyone


How Prioritizing DEI Can Benefit Your Entire Organization

You might be shocked to find out that white people actually benefit when you focus on diversity and inclusion for marginalized and/or underserved populations... 

But it’s actually right, there, baked into the data, data that we are often not encouraged to understand.  

When you foster an environment that breeds community and belonging, everyone feels the warmth, and reaps the benefits. Parental leave policies that benefit child bearers actually benefit the partners, families, co-workers and teams that person is a part of. Professional development programs that aim for retention of people from minoritized backgrounds means that you have coworkers that stick around longer, and are trained to be better team members and managers, so work is easier for you, and your company performs better overall. 

DEI is not about excluding white men or white people; but it does often decenter the focus to include people of different identities. Some folks think that’s a bad thing, but the majority of white folks have more in common with their coworkers of color than some of the white folks at the top (the alternative belief is by design, by the way). Shifting to a mindset of inclusion fosters interconnectedness, which not only builds morale but also boosts productivity, reduces turnover, and enhances mental well-being across the board [source]. It also shifts sense of empowerment, which some companies fear, if they use fear as a lever of control over their laborers, and/or to sequester resources. 

When we stop thinking of resources as finite, that there’s not enough for everyone, we can really boost inclusion. When we do it’s a win-win for just about everyone all around. 


So, let’s get DEI integrated into your office policies and community. Start with a specialized support to keep your company on the cutting edge of inclusivity and innovation.

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