DEI Product and Communications Integration is a specialized service for organizations seeking to integrate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) into their core operations. Clients can select from analyzing and developing products, refining communications and presentations, and aligning mission and policies with DEI principles. This comprehensive approach ensures that DEI values are consistently represented in every aspect of the organization, from internal practices to external communications.
We help you to create or review:
−   Product
−   Presentations & Publications
−   Communications & Media
−   Mission & Vision
−   Policies & Practices
−   Programs, and more
This package includes:
Alignment Meeting - 45 minutes
Asynchronous Document Review w/ Recommendations BriefÂ
up to 50 pages or 5 hours of content review
2-6 pages of bulleted recommendations with one round of edits
Review meeting - 60 minutes
Asynchronous communications (email)
Synchronous Content Development - 6 hours
Recommendations BriefÂ
2-6 pages of bulleted recommendations with one round of edits
This package is fully customizable to meet the specific needs and goals of your organization, ensuring a tailored approach to integrating DEI values.
Clients using the "DEI Product and Communications Integration" service will acquire recommendations for and greater alignment of their organization's mission, policies, and communications with diversity, equity, and inclusion principles. They will benefit from inclusivity enhanced products and programs, further embedding DEI values into their operational and organizational identity.
This product is ideal for organizations looking to deeply integrate DEI into their core operations and identity, ensuring that their approach to diversity, equity, and inclusion is holistic and embedded in all aspects of their work.